Easy Home Made Wholemeal Sausage Bun

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Easy Home Made Wholemeal Sausage Bun

There is always the saying that behind the delicious sausage sandwiches, there lies the versatile and beautifully baked bun to complete the satisfaction.

Sausage sandwiches were once of our favorite breakfast and it has not been in my baking list until early this November.  Back in the day, I'd never made my own sausage bun, we just bought them from stores. I started to have more confident to make my own sausage bun after  two successful attempts.  My sausage buns are milky, fluffy, spongy and smooth texture - an absolute satisfaction! 

Actually, from my reading, in order to get smoother and better texture with more air pockets in the bun is to let the bun dough rest and raise two times, means basically a bun dough needs two proof cycles.  By having enough rest, this will lets the yeast develop and adds more air pockets in the dough and what's more, by having the dough getting enough rest, it will be easier to handle and shape the dough.

The science behind a stronger and pliable bun dough basically involves a protein known as gluten.  Well, the word gluten is so popular and an is an important term for the bakers out there.  Gluten, which found mostly in wheat products is a crucial elements that gives the airy and satisfyingly chewy bread products.  

How gluten is formed?

It is believed that gluten formation occur when the the two wheat's native proteins- called glutenin and gliadin come into contact with water. Then the mixing lets the hydration process to occur which then lets glutenin and gliadin bind together to form a strong gluten.  The kneading and resting of the dough will let gluten to build a stronger strands and more organized structure.  

Why gluten is extremely important?

Gluten in a dough act as a strong and complex network which help the dough to rise by trapping the air bubbles or carbon dioxide produced during yeast fermentation.  The gluten network continue to develop with enough proofing which gives result to an elastic or the ability to stretch and extend or the ability to hold a shape.

Here, three important factors should be considered when making bun or bread dough - the first one is the type of flour used.  It is always recommended to use high protein flour when making bread or bun, it is simply because more protein means more gluten inside.  Next is very important to make sure the yeast used is fully functional for full fermentation.  You can test whether your yeast is working or not by mixing the yeast with warm water or milk with sugar, wait for at least 10 minutes to let the yeast rise.  You will know if the yeast is working when there are a lot of air bubbles formed.  Then, it is important to give your dough enough rest in a warm temperature because warm temperature will stimulates yeast metabolism, so more carbon dioxide will be release during the fermentation process.

Okay, I hope you can understand the basic concept. 😅

This bun recipe that I am going to share I adapted from allrecipes.com.  I made few alteration and I added a cup of wholemeal flour and I added vegetable oil for softer bun texture.  I knead the dough by using breadmaker machine.  

Easy Home Made Wholemeal Sausage Bun
(Adapted from: Allrecipes.com)

The Ingredients:

1 1/2 cups of milk
2 tablespoons of butter - melted
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 egg
2 1/2 cups of high protein flour/ bread flour
1 cup of wholemeal flour
1 cup of all purpose flour
1 packet (11 gm) of instant dry yeast
egg wash (1 egg + 2 tablespoon of milk)


If you are using bread maker machine, add in all the ingredients into the bread maker according to the sequence and select the menu DOUGH and let the machine complete all the mixing and kneading process.

After completed, transfer the dough into a lightly oiled big bowl and let the dough rest and double in size about 40 to 50 minutes depending on the temperature.
For manual preparation:
  1. In a mixing bowl, combine all the dry ingredients - flour, sugar, yeast,salt.
  2. In another bowl combine all the wet ingredients - egg, milk,butter and vegetable oil
  3. Make a hole at the center of the dry flour mix, then pour in the liquid mixture little by little while continue mixing to incorporate all the ingredients with your hand.
  4. Knead for about 10 minutes until a smooth dough ball formed.
  5. Lightly oil a big bowl and transfer the dough in it and have the dough rise and double in size.  Make sure to cover the bowl with damp towel or cling wrap to prevent the upper dough surface dry as it expose to the air.
After the dough has risen, punch the dough to flatten the air bubble and knead for 1 minute to form a smooth ball.  

Divide the dough into 20 small portions, or lesser if you want a bigger sized sausage bun.

For each small ball, knead the dough for few seconds to form a small smooth round shaped ball.

Roll each ball in a rectangular shape and tightly roll up the dough to form a cylinder.  Tuck in the sides or edges and pinch these edges to seal them tightly.

You can choose to have your sausage bun stick together during baking and them you can pull them apart after they are baked, to make these, you can place each bun about 1 inch apart in a lightly grease square baking pan 


You can place each bun further from each other, about 2 inches apart in a lightly grease square baking tray, so they won't stick to each other.

Let the bun rest and have the final rise before bake.  Cover the baking tray or baking pan with cling wrap during the resting process.

Preheat the oven to 180ᐤC for at least 10 minutes before baking.  Brush the surface of the bun with egg wash and if preferred, you can sprinkle with white sesame.

Bake the bun for about 15 to 20 minutes until all the surface turned golden brown.  Place the baked bun on a wire rack and let them cool.

Store in an air-tight container and keep the leftover in the fridge and when needed, reheat for 2 minutes in the microwave.

If you notice, I added in the all purpose flour in my bun dough, this is because I don't want my bun to be so light in texture, I prefer my bun to be slightly dense, so I have more time to chew my bun in my mouth. Eheh..

This sausage bun is perfect for anything, I made these for meatball marinara sandwiches, and they are lovingly delicious!

You may have a look on how I made my home made meatball.  Click here (easy meatball recipe).


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