Easy Homemade Meatball

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Easy Homemade Meatball

Meatball is everyone's favorite.  Am I right? Owh..there's exception. The vegans.  Of course because they don't eat meat. .Eheh..


Because meatball is simply delicious and perfect to be eaten with bread, pasta or marinara sauce, baked with cheese, cooked in curry or to eaten by themselves!  I would say meatball is my ultimate favorite dish and snack! Yeay!

BUT meatball is definitely isn't a good option for those who want to eat healthy and clean diet.  Firstly, most store bought meatballs are rich with a lot of preservative, salt and other seasoning.  Secondly is about the type of meat used to make the meatballs.  Usually, the meat used is not lean meat and contains a lot of fat.

That's why I prefer to self made my meatball.  At least I can control the usage of salt and the seasoning I add in my meatball and the type of meat which I use.  To be honest, my previous trial on making my own meatball wasn't that satisfying.  I didn't refer to any meatball recipes.  So, instead of using breadcrumbs, I used tapioca flour in my meatball! So they turned out to have very dense in texture! 

I made these meatballs yesterday, where I was in a very good mood to bake.  I was lazy to mince the meat and I used ready made Ramly's minced meat.  The minced meat is not purely made of lean meat and it stills contains fat. You can liquidizes the saturated fat by steaming the meatballs before you store the meatballs in the freezer.

Actually I don't have any plan to make meatball so I did not have breadcrumbs stock at home.  Luckily, I still keep a few of the wholemeal bread slices I bought last few days inside my fridge. I made my own breadcrumbs using the leftovers by have them baked for a while with high temperature, 200oC for about 10 to 15 minutes, them crushed them by using miller.

Refer below for my complete meatball recipe:

Easy Home made Meatball


About 300 gm minced beef
3 slices of bread (bake and crush to make crumbs) or about 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs
1/2 cup of milk/ plain water
1 egg
1 teaspoon of black pepper powder
1/2 Holland onion (chopped)
1 clove of garlic (chopped)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/4 cup of chopped green onion


  1. Mix the breadcrumbs with milk/water.  Soak the breadcrumbs for a while.
  2. In a larger bowl, add in minced beef, chopped Holland onion and garlic, egg,black pepper powder and salt.  Mix thoroughly with your hand.  Then, add in the soaked breadcrumb and chopped green onion.  Mix gently until all the ingredients are well incorporated.
  3. Form this mixture into a small balls according to your desired size, (I made my meatballs small in sized) and place the prepared meatballs on a pan brushed with oil to prevent them from sticking.  Leave some space between each meatballs.

If you want to consume your meatballs immediately, You can bake your meatballs at 180oC for 15 to 25 minutes or fry your meatballs until they turned golden brown.

To store your meatballs, you can bake them until they turned slightly firm and pale in color.

My method is to steam my meatballs for a while until they turned pale and the oil from liquidized fat appeared around the meatballs.  You can store the leftover in an air tight container in the freezer.

All I can say these home made meatballs are lovely and delicious!  Even though I only added onion, pepper and salt and no any other seasoning and herbs, they turned out to be so so delicious! Yeay!

I definitely gonna make my own meatballs again.  You can use chicken and other meat if you don't eat beef.  I made these meatballs to be eaten with my home made oblong bun and marinara sauce.  They are super yummy! I don't need to buy Subway's meatball marinara sandwich bun ever again.  Eheh..


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