Sweet and Spicy Chicken Chunks

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Sweet and Spicy Chicken Chunks

"Sweet and spicy chicken chunks. "

That's the name of the dish that I created today for our lunch menu.  Today is my laziest day of the week, I am totally not in the mood to spend my day in the kitchen as always!  Actually, I am still recovering from muscle aches all over my body due to the "tragic fall incident" yesterday. Haha...Yesterday, when I was happily taking my morning shower, I accidentally slipped on my bathroom floor.  I didn't aware of a large shower foam on the floor so I stepped onto it!  Luckily, I didn't break my left wrist..

Today is my hubby's last day to work of the week before his off day which will be starting from tomorrow.  So, I used everything that left in our fridge to prepare for his lunch box meal before we can restock the groceries tomorrow.  We both love to eat chicken.  So, usually I will buy a big packet of boneless chicken for our 1 week stock..  The reason why I prefer to buy the boneless chicken is simply because I can use the chicken chunks as the seasoning for my fried rice, noodles, soup and of course for making our favorite snack; chicken dumplings!  I still had three pieces of boneless chicken in my freezer, so I used all of them to cook the dish.

So, what's so special about this dish?  Well, of course firstly it was created by myself! Yes, it is true.  I have never come across this recipe before.  Secondly, it is so simple to be prepared and last but not least, this dish is so practical to be one of the lunch box menu because the taste will still delicious even though it is eaten when it's already cooled and the best part is, it is a dry dish and thus you don't have to worry about cleaning the spilled dish in your lunch bag later on.

I think the dish is quite similar to the authentic Chinese dish called chicken Kung Pao. The taste is no much different, the difference is just the use of certain ingredients and the way to cook them.  Lets dive out on the details of the recipe.  If you love the dishes that contain soy sauce, I am sure that you are going to love this dish.

Sweet and Spicy Chicken Chunks Recipe:

For chicken marinade:

3 pieces of boneless chicken (cut into small chunks)
2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of all purpose flour (for coating)

For the preparation of the sweet and spicy chicken chunks:

vegetable oil (for deep frying the chicken marinade)
4 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 large onion (thinly sliced)
1 clove of garlic (finely chopped)
1 cm of ginger (finely chopped)
3 tablespoons of chilli paste
1/3 cup of water
6 tablespoons of thick soy sauce
salt to taste
sugar to taste


  1. In a large bowl, combine chicken chunks, salt and chopped garlic.  Mix well all the ingredients.  Place the all purpose flour in another bowl and coat the chicken chunks evenly and make sure all the surfaces are coated with flour so they won't stick to each other.  Repeat this step until all the chicken chunks are well coated.
  2. Preheat the vegetable oil for deep frying the chicken chunks.  Deep fry the chicken chunks until the surfaces turn to light brown in color.  Place the fried chicken chunks in a colander with a bowl or plate placed under it to drain the excess oil.  Set aside.
  3. Preheat vegetable oil in a wok.  Stir fry the large onion for 1 minute and add in the chilli paste followed by chopped garlic and ginger.  Continue to stir fry for another 5 minutes in a medium heat.
  4. Add in water, thick soy sauce and the fried chicken chunks.  Mix well.
  5. Lastly season with salt and sugar.

The taste of the dish correspond to its name.  This dish is complimented for its perfect combination of the sweetness from the soy sauce and the spiciness from the chilli paste.  So, my advice is, it is best to use the sweet soy sauce and you may not need to add in any sugar to your dish.

The portion of this dish is suitable for approximately 4 servings.  I prepared two sets of  plain rice with these lovely sweet and spicy chicken chunks for my hubby's lunch and dinner boxes.

This dish is so delicious and appetizing to be served alone with warm rice and you don't need to have any other dishes! Yeay!  My hubby loves this dish so much and he already requested me to prepare the same dish for his next lunch box menu.


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