Mee Goreng Mamak

Thursday 22 October 2020

Mee Goreng Mamak

This dish makes me reminisce of my cherished memories when I was still studying in university, completing my three years undergraduate course about 10 years ago.

Back in the day, my housemates and I used to eat mee goreng mamak at Mamak stall nearby our rent house.

I was so in love with mee goreng mamak, for it's authenticity which makes it distinct from Malay style fried noodles.

Mee goreng mamak has slightly different in flavors - despite of the similarities of it's basic ingredients with the Malay style fried noodles.

Mee goreng mamak also use shallots, garlic, dried chili paste, dark soy sauce and not forgetting, the chili, tomato ketchup and oyster sauce to spice up the dish.

But what makes it different and special is - the additional of the seasonings, which are fried potato and prawn fritters (cucur udang), cut into bite sized pieces and added last after adding the noodles.

Actually, it has been a few days from my last shooting for my baking channel.

When there's too much baking ideas flooding my mind, I become indecisive.

That's why I have to temporarily distract myself from focusing on my baking projects and instead, I want to finish my writing.

Currently, I am not in the mood to bake for my shooting, because now I just prefer to sit and ponder with my thought, playing around with my wild imaginations and immerse my self in reading self help blogs. 

Only by reading, I can finally get back my alone time, to recharge and being aloof as I'm always be and away from investing my energy into pleasing other people, being an extrovert when I'm actually an introvert and thus, putting extra energy into making everyone happy.

This is also the time when I invest my energy into gaining new perspectives and indulge in positive thoughts as a way of distractions from the harsh reality of life and retreat myself into my vivid, rich inner-life which I seldom share with anybody.    

While I'm taking a "short break" from my baking project, I want to enjoy cooking delicious dishes for my little family, and one of it is to cook this scrumptious mee goreng mamak.

Nowadays, I seldom find the store bought mee goreng mamak with bite-sized pieces of cucur udang.

It seems that prawn fritters are no longer a favorite and a must have ingredient for making mee goreng mamak.

Since mee goreng mamak is one of Indian's signature dish, I added a small amount of curry powder into it, so this version of mee goreng mamak has a light curry aroma in it.

Mee goreng mamak is unlike mee goreng basah, so you don't have to add a lot of water when cooking mee goreng mamak.

The key is to always use fresh ingredients and serve immediately after cooked.

I made my prawn fritters to make my mee goreng mamak with using only dried shrimps, which I pound coarsely after I soaked them for a few minutes, just to soften slightly to make the grinding process easier.

Other than fried potato and prawn fritters, you'll also need to add a block or two of hard tofu, cubed and deep fried to be added into your mee goreng mamak.

This mee goreng mamak is absolutely delicious, and my whole family liked it!

I would recommend you to give this recipe a try if you want to taste homemade version of mee goreng mamak.

Furthermore, this is the perfect time to improve our cooking skills at home, since we have yet to free from Covid-19 and now we're still under movement control order to curb the spread of this virus.

You can season your mee goreng mamak with meat and seafood of choice, such as chicken, beef, shrimp or cuttlefish if you have any.

Adding meat and seafood not only giving additional flavors to your mee goreng mamak, these ingredients will also add more textures into the dish!

So, always be limitless when it comes to cooking.

Happy cooking and good luck!


Category: Ala Carte, Indian Cuisine

Preparation Time : 20 minutes

Cooking Time : 20 minutes

Serving : 5 to 6 people



1 cup of all purpose flour

1/2 tablespoon of dried shrimps (soaked 1 minute)

Salt to taste

3/4 cup of lukewarm water

1/4 teaspoon of instant dry yeast

1 tablespoon of chopped onion

1 stalk of chives (cut into 1 inch pieces)


500 grams of mee kuning (yellow noodles)

1 medium potato - cubed

2 pieces of hard tofu 


2 tablespoons of chili sauce

2 tablespoons of tomato ketchup

1 tablespoon of oyster sauce

3 tablespoons of dark soy sauce

1/2 cup of water

3 stalks of chives - cut into 2 inch pieces

1 tomato - chunked

1/4 carrot - julienned

10 pieces of fish balls - halved

2 cabbage leaves - cut into bite size pieces

2 eggs

2 to 3 shallots*

2 cloves of garlic*

1 clove of garlic - crushed

4 tablespoons of dried red chili paste

1/2 tablespoon of meat curry powder

1 teaspoon of chicken stock powder (optional)

3 tablespoons of cooking oil

Salt if needed



Cucumber - sliced

Chinese celery - chopped

Green onions - chopped

Red chilies - sliced

Salad - chopped

Fried shallots



In a medium bowl, add in flour, salt and dry yeast.  Stir together with a spoon or spatula.

Coarsely pound or grind soaked dried shrimp and add into the flour mixture.

Slowly add water while mixing to make fritter batter which is not too thick or too thin.  Adjust water amount accordingly until you get the right consistency.

Lastly, add in chopped onion and chives cut into 2 inch pieces and mix well.  

Cover the bowl and allow the batter for 15 minutes rest in a warm area to activate the yeasts before deep frying.

Heat oil in a pan.  Once oil is hot enough, spoon the batter into it and fry until the fritter is light brown on all sides.  Do not overcrowd the pan for easier flipping process and to ensure the fritters are cooked through.

Place the fritters on a colander and let it cool before cutting into bite size pieces.


Using the same oil, fry hard tofu until brown on every sides.  Cut the fried tofu into cubes once it is cool.

Fry cubed potato until light brown.  Set aside.

Blend or pound ingredients marked with * (shallots and garlic) to make onion paste. Set aside.

Heat about 3 to 4 tablespoons of oil in a wok or pan.  Once hot, add in crushed garlic and stir fry over medium high heat until fragrant and slightly charred. 

Then, add dried chili paste and fry for a few seconds, then add in pounded/blended spices and stir fry until fragrant and the color turns darker.  At this point, you'll also begin to see oil is separating (pecah minyak).

Add half tablespoon of meat curry powder and stir.

Add in water, dark soy sauce, chili sauce, oyster sauce, chicken stock powder and tomato ketchup.  Stir and simmer until the gravy starts bubbling.

Scrape the gravy to one side of the pan with a spatula, then crack in 2 eggs.  Stir the eggs quickly until they're partially harden and lumpy.  Incorporate the eggs with the gravy.  

Add in fried tofu, fish balls and carrot.  Cook for a few minutes until carrot pieces are tender crisp.

Add in yellow noodles, together with chopped cabbage, fried potato and fritters. Stir until all ingredients are well incorporated and cook for 1 to 2 minutes.

Lastly, add in chives pieces and tomato, stir for a few seconds, just until combined.

Turn off the heat and season with salt.

Serve immediately with sliced cucumber, limes, salad, chopped Chinese celery, chopped green onion, sliced red chilies and fried shallots.  Enjoy!


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