Puding Roti Blueberry Tanpa Telur (Eggless Blueberry Bread Pudding)

Saturday 15 February 2020

Puding Roti Blueberry Tanpa Telur (Eggless Blueberry Bread Pudding)

This is my first baked dessert that I prepared after quite some time.
Lately, I'm too lazy to prepare any dessert, mainly because we both have been consuming too much  cookies since before Chinese New Year.
Usually, whenever I wanted to sell new cookies products, I will bake at least two small batches for each product, where the second batch is usually baked to improve the outcome of the first batch's cookies by adjusting the ingredient's measurement.
Since most of my regular customers prefer less sweet and crunchy cookies, while expecting soft, melt-in-your-mouth and a bit sourish pineapple tart, all the hard work to do baking experiments paid off by thumbs-up from my customers.😉
I don't prefer to give my "experimented cookies" to anybody,so..we both have to finish them all, munching them piece by piece while watching our favorite TV shows.
(That's why I've never step on my weighing scale when there's a lot of cookies at my home because I'm going to freak out to see how many kg I've gained!) 😅

Bread pudding is a delicious dessert, even when enjoyed without the sweet sauce or toppings.
The classic version of bread pudding is the one topped with raisins.
In my previous posts, I shared two versions of my bread pudding - one topped with black raisins and the other one was a chocolate bread pudding topped with banana.
Eggy, milky, buttery and scrumptiously flavored and easy to be prepared dessert...this is all I can conclude about bread pudding.
To cook it, you may either use steaming or baking technique, but I usually would prefer to bake my bread pudding.
By baking, my bread pudding is more fragrant with crispy layer on top particularly when enjoyed warm.

This time I made different version of bread pudding, which is without the additional of egg.
It is suitable for those who are allergic to egg, and the fresh milk can always be substituted with vegan milks such as almond milk or coconut milk.
But for me, I'll still prefer using fresh milk for my bread pudding.
It turned out perfectly, moist and soft, milky and rich in blueberry flavor.

We love to enjoy our blueberry bread pudding when chilled, and it's richer in flavors when you keep your baked pudding refrigerated until the next day.
You may add a tablespoon of custard flour in the liquid mixture to add more flavor in the bread pudding.

Usually whenever I bake bread pudding, we'll enjoy it on the next day.
It is a fulfilling sweet dessert  that you can have it as your breakfast!

I baked my blueberry bread pudding individually in ramekin cups, but you may also use casserole or baking pan to bake your pudding.
I would recommend to use 8x8 inch baking pan, so the pudding would not have become too flat.
For this version, I used wholewheat bread.
You are free use any kind of bread, including croissant.
I haven't tried making my bread pudding with croissant before but I've seen croissant bread pudding recipes in Pinterest.
Croissant is not regular at our home since my hubby is not a fan of croissant.
You need extent the resting time if you're using croissant to get soft, dense bread pudding.
I used blueberry filling in this recipe, but may substitute with fresh blueberries.

Since this was my first successful trial of making my bread pudding without an egg, I am so excited to blog about this recipe.
Lets dive deeper into the details of the recipe.


Category: Dessert, Snack, Breakfast
Serve: 6


10 slices of bread
2 cups of fresh milk
4 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of melted butter
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 tablespoon of custard flour - optional


Blueberry filling
Powdered sugar  (for dusting) - optional


Preheat oven to 200℃ or 392℉.

Cut the sliced bread into small cubes (or you can shred the bread with your hand) and place in a large bowl.  Set aside.

In a separate bowl, combine fresh milk, vanilla essence, sugar and custard flour (if using).  Whisk until the sugar dissolved.

Pour the liquid mixture in the bowl containing the cubed bread.  Mix and gently press down the bread with a spoon or spatula to immerse and soak the bread evenly.  Let the pudding mixture sit for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare 6 medium sized ramekin cups and grease each cup with butter.  Place the greased ramekin cups onto a baking pan.

Pour in the pudding mixture into the prepared ramekin cups until 3/4 full.

Top with two to three tablespoons of the blueberry filling and spread the filling evenly.

Bake in the preheat oven on the bottom rack for 40 minutes to 1 hour or until the bread pudding is set.  You may remove the pudding from the oven once you see a gap between the edges and the side of the cup.

Let the bread pudding cool on a wire rack.

Sift some powdered sugar on top of the pudding (optional) before serving.



Kindly ensure to let the blueberry bread pudding completely cooled before making any attempt to remove the pudding from the ramekin cup, I would suggest to let the pudding chilled first for at least 2 to 3 hours, until the pudding firm and hold it's shape.


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