Kuih Ketayap
Kuih Ketayap is one of common Malay and Nyonya's kueh.
It is made of coconut pandan crepe, rolled and filled with inti kelapa (sweet coconut filling).
Usually, kuih ketayap is enjoyed as breakfast, snack and also as the side for iftar (breaking of the fast).
I have to confess that kuih ketayap is not my favorite kuih.
After I made it by myself, I started to like kuih ketayap more 😆😜.
This is my second time making kuih ketayap by myself to finish the inti kelapa leftover from making kuih koci (Malay sweet dumplings) the other day.
I made kuih ketayap for our breakfast today.
I made it smaller, using the 14 cm pan, so I did not have to cut the kueh into two when I served.
I only ate two out of thirteen, so the rest went into my hubby's mouth.
Luckily he is not very demanding when I'm making cake or kueh, just make them less sweet since he's not very fond of consuming too much sugar in his desserts.
I grow my second pandan tree at my mini garden since I love to use pandan leaves to add flavors and aroma in my cooking and baking.
Pandan leaf is staple in Asian countries and various local desserts as well as cooking require pandan leaf to make the delicacies more fragrant.
Since I grow my pandan tree in a vase, the leaves are medium-small in size, so you need to adjust the quantity of pandan leaves that you're going to use for making kuih ketayap.
Basically, the more pandan leaves we use, the more concentrated pandan juice we will obtained, so our kuih ketayap will have a stronger pandan flavor.
However, you are free to use pandan essence in case you don't have pandan leaves at home.
The difference is that, the taste of pandan essence or extract is slightly stronger, just a few drops of pandan essence is sufficient for this recipe.
Pandan juice when added in the batter will have a pale green in color, you may need to add green coloring to enhance the color of the kuih ketayap.
For the inti kelapa or sweet coconut filling, you can get my recipe here.
Cuisine : Malay/ Nyonya
Course : Breakfast & Snack
Yield : 13 mini kueh
Ingredients For The Crepe:
1 cup of all purpose flour
1 tablespoon of corn flour
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 large size egg
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon of green coloring - optional
1 cup of coconut milk or 1/4 cup of coconut cream + 3/4 water
3/4 cup of water (to blend pandan leaves)
3 pandan leaves
Filling :
- Blend pandan leaves with 3/4 cup of water. Strain to obtain the pandan juice.
- Mix pandan juice with coconut milk in a mug.
- In a bowl, whisk in all purpose flour, corn flour and salt.
- Slowly pour in pandan juice mixture into the flour mixture while stirring to prevent lumps formation.
- Crack in an egg and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and green coloring (if using).
- Strain to get a smooth textured batter.
- Heat a non-stick flat pan (I used 14 cm pan), lightly grease with oil.
- When the pan is hot, pour a small ladle of the batter at the center of the pan. Swirl the pan to evenly cover the bottom of the pan. Cook at a low heat.
- When the crepe surface is dry and the sides easily detach from the pan, loosen the crepe with a spatula and remove it and place on a plate. Only need to cook at one side. The crepe can be stacked as they would not stick together.
- Repeat for the remaining batter.
To Assemble Kuih Ketayap:
Place one crepe on a plate with the cooked side at the bottom.
Place a spoonful of the filling (more or less, depending on your crepe size) at the center and roll it up like rolling a spring roll.
Serve warm.
Store the leftover in an air-tight container.
Resepi Kuih Ketayap
1 cawan tepung gandum
1 sudu besar tepung jagung
1/2 sudu teh garam halus
1 biji telur Gred A
1 sudu besar minyak masak
1/2 sudu teh pewarna hijau - tambahan
1 cawan santan atau 1/4 cawan santan krim (KARA) + 3/4 cawan air
3/4 cawan air (untuk mengisar daun pandan)
3 helai daun pandan
Cara Penyediaan:
- Kisar daun pandan bersama 3/4 cawan air untuk mendapatkan jus pandan. Tapis dan campurkan jus pandan bersama santan di dalam sebuah gelas atau mangkuk.
- Di dalam mangkuk lain, campurkan tepung gandum, tepung jagung dan garam. Whisk rata.
- Tuang campuran jus pandan tadi ke dalam adunan tepung sedikit demi sedikit sambil kacau.
- Bila dah sebati, pecahkan sebiji telur dan masukkan minyak dan pewarna hijau (jika guna).
- Tapis untuk mendapatkan adunan yang halus.
- Panaskan kuali leper non-stick (saya pakai saiz 14 cm) dan gliskan sedikit minyak.
- Bila kuali telah panas, tuangkan satu senduk kecil adunan di tengah-tengah kuali dan hayun ringan kuali supaya adunan rata. Masak dengan api kecil.
- Bila permukaan dadar pandan dah kering dan bahagian sisi tak melekat lagi pada kuali, angkat dan letak dalam pinggan. Dadar hanya perlu dimasak pada 1 bahagian saja. Boleh susun dadar pandan secara bertingkat kerana ianya tak melekat.
- Ulang sehingga adunan habis.
Cara Menggulung Kuih Ketayap:
Letakkan sekeping dadar pandan di atas pinggan. Bahagian yang dimasak diletakkan di bawah ye.
Tuangkan satu sudu (bergantung pada saiz dadar pandan anda) inti di tengah-tengah dadar pandan dan gulung seperti menggulung popiah.
Hidangkan serta-merta.
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