KFC's Style Potato Wedges

Friday 8 November 2019

KFC's Style Potato Wedges

Who would not love potato wedges?
Even small children would beg their parents to buy one for them!

KFC has their signature cheesy potato wedges, with creamy cheese sauce and mayonnaise drizzle on top of the wedges.
Absolutely yummy.
Usually whenever I buy KFC cheesy wedges, I will request for extra cheese sauce.
The cheese sauce is tangy and flavorful.

But now we seldom bought fast foods, so I prepared almost everything from scratch, including these potato wedges.
I didn't make earlier plan to make potato wedges, and I did not have cheese at my home when I made it, so I made my homemade mayonnaise for the dipping sauce.
Next time, I will ensure I have cheddar cheese available when I make potato wedges.

Potato wedges is a versatile and blissful side dish and snack especially for the potato lovers.
You will never get bored with this one dish since you can prepare them into different versions and flavors with different dipping sauces.

I think I've tried making potato wedges before.
Since I did not know the proper technique of making my fries and potato wedges crispy with soft, creamier texture inside, I didn't parboil or soak my cut potatoes in ice water first.
So, my potato wedges and fries were not crispy and soggy.
After that, I've never made potato wedges.

It's been quite some time since I did my disastrous potato wedges.
I have no intent of making it again and it was not until I watched Grandpa in his famous channel of Grandpa Kitchen making potato wedges for the orphans.
His potato wedges looked so yummy that I can't resist the temptation.
I was eager to make my potato wedges experiment again after watching the channel.
Luckily a few days before I bought five medium sized Russet potatoes for making mashed potato.

Potato wedges comes in two versions - fried and baked.
Because I want to make it similar like the original KFC's potato wedges, I chose to fry my potato wedges.
Next time I'll try the baked version.

The basic marinade for potato wedges are black pepper, salt and flour.
However, we can add a little more spices and seasonings like chicken powder, coriander, onion and garlic powder, sesame, chili powder, paprika and a lot more to make our potato wedges more flavorful.
I like my potato wedges with the skin on for additional fiber it contained.

KFC's Style Potato Wedges

Course : Side
Serve : 3 to 4

3 Russet potatoes 
Salt for parboil and potato marinade
1 teaspoon of chicken powder
1 teaspoon of finely ground black pepper
1 teaspoon of onion powder
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
1/3 cup of all purpose flour
1/4 cup of corn flour
Oil for frying


  1. Put a large pan or wok with water, chicken powder and salt on to boil.
  2. Thoroughly clean the potatoes.  Cut the potatoes into chunky wedges.  Add to the pan of boiling water and parboil for 8 minutes.  Drain the potato in a colander and pat dry the potato wedges by using kitchen paper or clean cloth.
  3. In a large bowl, mix in four, salt, black pepper, onion and garlic powder.
  4. Pour in parboiled potato wedges into the flour mixture and mix well to coat the wedges with seasoned flour.  Marinade for 30 minutes.
  5. Heat oil in a heavy bottom pan.  Make sure to put enough oil to totally cover the potato wedges when frying.
  6. When the oil is hot, you may test  by dropping a little flour into it or dip a wooden spoon or chopstick into the preheated oil.  When the oil starts steadily bubbling, then it is hot enough for frying.
  7. Fry at medium-high heat until golden.  Remember to not overcrowd the pan and try frying the wedges in several batches to ensure even frying.
  8. Place the fried potato wedges onto kitchen papers to remove excess oil.
  9. Serve with your favorite dipping.



3 biji kentang Russet
Garam secukupnya untuk merebus dan memerap kentang
1 sudu teh serbuk pati ayam
1 sudu teh lada hitam tumbuk halus
1 sudu teh serbuk bawang
1 sudu teh serbuk bawang putih
1/3 cawan tepung gandum
1/4 cawan tepung jagung
Minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng


  1. Rebus air di dalam sebuah periuk.  Tambah garam dan serbuk pati ayam.
  2. Basuh bersih kentang dan potong bentuk wedges.  Rebus kentang selama 8 minit.
  3. Tapis kentang yang telah direubs sebentar menggunakan penapis dan keringkan kentang menggunakan tisu dapur atau tuala bersih.
  4. Dalam mangkuk bersaiz besar, campurkan tepung, garam, lada hitam tumbuk, serbuk bawang dan serbuk bawang putih.  Gaul rata.
  5. Masukkan kentang yang telah direbus ke dalam mangkuk berisi adunan tepung dan gaul rata supaya kentang bersalut tepung dengan sempurna.  Perap selama 30 minutes.
  6. Panaskan minyak di dalam kuali.  Untuk menguji kalau minyak betul-betul panas, tabur sedikit tepung atau celup chopstick atau lidi kayu ke dalam minyak.  Kalau minyak berbuaih dengan sekata bermakna ianya telah cukup panas.  Pastikan minyak banyak supaya kentang terendam dalam minyak dengan sempurna sewaktu menggoreng.  
  7. Goreng kentang sehingga garing dan keemasan.  Jangan goreng dalam kuantiti yang banyak sekaligus supaya kentang masak dengan sekata.
  8. Hidang panas dengan pencicah kegemaran anda.


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