Bread Maker Apple Carrot Bread

Friday, 29 November 2019

Bread Maker Apple Carrot Bread

It's been so long since I've intended to bake a carrot bread.
I bought a bunch of carrots yesterday during my groceries shopping, so, why not make one, right?
And it's not only carrot that flavored this bread because the bread has been infused with apple and cinnamon to enrich the aroma.

Baking a bread with grated carrot and apple not only add flavors and natural sweetness, but the combination of these rich water content foods will also add moisture to the bread.
I made the bread without an egg, so this bread is perfect for those with allergy to egg and vegan.
You are welcome to substitute butter with coconut or vegetable oil and fresh milk with almond milk or plain water for this recipe.
As usual, I prefer my bread to have refreshing milky flavor, even for my other baking products such as buns, cookies and cakes.  The authentic milk flavor, with slight sweetness offer a complete satisfaction.
The cinnamon really shine and add the intensity of the carrot and apple flavors.

This bread is so easy to be prepared, plus, the mixing and kneading works are done by the bread maker machine.
You can have a freshly baked apple carrot bread for your morning breakfast!
The carrot and apple are grated and they will release their juices as the machine mix and knead the dough.
So, during the process, you might need to monitor and add more flour if the batter is too mushy or soupy until the dough forms a smooth ball.

Because carrot and apple already provide the natural sweetness to the bread, I didn't put a lot of sweetener anymore.
I used a tablespoon of honey for my bread.
You may also use brown or white sugar and other low carb sweeteners.
As long as you're using active yeast, the bread will definitely rise and fluffy.

One thing I like to use bread maker to make my bread, it is so convenient to prepare, you don't need to wash too many utensils like when you're preparing your bread using the traditional method and bake the bread in the oven.
My Hubby likes to have bread for his breakfast, so, I like the idea of adding more fibers and nutrients in our home made bread, rather than to skip carbs entirely in our diet.
The most importantly, always control the portion intake.

Actually, as I'm finishing this entry, I already on my way of making the second batch of apple carrot bread.
It is wonderfully delicious and scrumptiously flavored that you can enjoy the bread by itself.
As you're serving the bread, I would recommend slathering it with Malaysian coconut egg jam, or any other spread of your choice.  
You may also drizzle it with maple syrup or honey butter glaze, as these toppings really kick it up a notch.
We both like to spread my home made Malaysian coconut egg jam, or we called as "kaya" on our apple carrot bread.
I used a medium size Granny Smith apple for this recipe, but Fuji, Gala and Honeycrisp would work as well.

In my second recipe, I added blackcurrants and butterscotch chocolate chips into my apple carrot bread.
It was awesome and a perfect combination of taste!
So, go on and experimenting on your carrot bread, alright! 😉😉


Make: 1 pound loaf


Approximately 1/2 cups of fresh milk
1 tablespoon of butter (can be replaced with vegetable oil)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of honey (can be replaced with white sugar/brown sugar/low carb sweetener)
1 grated apple
2/3 cup of grated carrot
1 1/3 to 1 2/3 cups of bread flour
2/3 cup of whole wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
1 1/2 teaspoons of dry active yeast
1/3 cup of black raisins/blackcurrants - optional
1/3 cup of butterscotch chocolate chips - optional


  1. Add the ingredients in the bread maker machine according to the direction provided by manufacturer.  I added the ingredients according to the sequence as I listed above.  For the bread flour, begin with adding 1 and 1/3 cups first.
  2. Select the menu basic/ white bread and press "Start."  As the machine is mixing the dough, monitor the process and add more flour little by little if the dough is too slack, as the apple and carrot release their juices. Stop adding flour once the dough forms a smooth ball and no longer stick to the bread pan.
  3. Add in raisins and butterscotch chocolate chips (if using) when the machine signals for Raisins/Nuts addition, which is usually 5 or 10 minutes before the end of kneading cycle.
  4. Wait until the machine finished baking the bread.
  5. Once completed, detach the bread pan from the machine.  Be careful and do not touch the pan handle bare hand, wear a glove and then flip the pan onto a wire rack to cool the bread completely.
  6. Slice the bread with a bread knife according to the desired thickness.
  7. Store the bread in an air-tight container or zip lock bag and refrigerated for longer life span. 
  8. To reheat, you may steam the bread, or wrap the bread in aluminium foil and microwave for 2 minutes or bake in oven at 150℃ for 10 minutes or until the bread is warm enough.



Menghasilkan : 1 pound roti


Lebih kurang 1/2 cawan susu segar
1 sudu besar mentega (boleh ganti dengan minyak sayuran)
1/2 sudu teh garam
1 sudu besar madu (boleh ganti dengan gula pasir/gula perang/pemanis rendah carbohidrat)
1 biji apel di parut
2/3 cawan parutan lobak merah
1 1/3 hingga 1 2/3 cawan tepung roti/berprotein tinggi
2/3 cawan tepung wholewheat
1/2 sudu teh serbuk kayu manis
1 1/2 sudu teh yis kering
1/3 cawan kismis hitam/blackcurrant - tambahan
1/3 cawan butterscotch chocolate chips - tambahan

  1. Campur kesemua bahan dalam mesin bread maker mengikut aturan yang diberikan.  Saya masukkan bahan-bahan mengikut senarai di atas.  Untuk tepung roti, mulakan dengan mencampurkan 1 1/3 cawan tepung dahulu.
  2. Pilih menu "basic/white bread" dan tekan "Start."  Semasa mesin sedang mengadun adunan, sentiasa pantau dan jika adunan terlalu lembik (adunan melekat pada loyang roti), tambah tepung roti sedikit demi sedikit hingga doh menjadi kental dan berbentuk bola yang licin.
  3. Masukkan kismis dan butterscotch chocolate chips (kalau menggunakan) bila mesin mengeluarkan signal Raisin/Nut, iaitu 5 ke 10 minit terakhir untuk proses menguli.
  4. Tunggu sehingga mesin selesai membakar roti.
  5. Setelah roti siap dibakar, keluarkan loyang roti dari mesin (gunakan sarung tangan) dan terbalikkan loyang roti di atas redai untuk mengeluarkan roti dan biarkan sejuk.
  6. Potong roti menggunakan pisau pemotong roti mengikut ketebalan yang dikehendaki.
  7. Simpan roti di dalam bekas kedap udara atau zip lock bag dan boleh simpan di dalam peti sejuk supaya roti tahan lebih lama.
  8. Untuk panaskan roti, boleh gunakan kaedah kukus, bakar menggunakan bread toaster atau bungkus roti menggunakan aluminium foil dan panaskan menggunakan microwave selama 2 minit atau ketuhar pada suhu 150℃ selama 10 minit atau sehingga roti cukup panas.


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