Almond and Sausage Soft Pretzels

Friday 6 September 2019

Almond and Sausage Soft Pretzels

Pretzels have almost similar taste with bread due to similar ingredients used.
Pretzels are commonly shaped into a twisted knot like the one we use to buy from Auntie Anne's Pretzel.
Salt is the most common seasoning for pretzels.
I'm not sure if there is in fact specific salt for pretzels.
But I love to enjoy pretzels with different flavors.

We usually buy pretzels from Auntie Anne's Pretzel since I am not confident to make them on my own.
What makes their pretzels special is...instead of seasoned with mere salt, the pretzels have cheesy and rich butter aroma.
I think they seasoned their pretzels with parmesan cheese and the rich buttery aroma comes from the melted butter brushed to the pretzels once they are baked.
So, we wouldn't know unless we give it a try, isn't it?

Since we both adore pretzels so much, it can save a lot of money by making them ourselves.
I made my second batch of pretzels yesterday, while the first trial didn't tasted much like the original pretzels.
My first batch of pretzels had bread-like texture because I didn't add sufficient amount of baking soda in the soda mixture to soak the pretzels.
What makes pretzels different from common bread is the soda bath or wash, that gives the distinct skin texture and flavor of traditional pretzels.
Pretzels are a little bit chewy compared to the usual soft and spongy bread textures.

I baked my first batch on a baking paper and what happened was...the pretzels stuck to it!
I was so frustrated at that time because it was really a tiresome job to unstuck them!
I used the non-stick baking paper and I have never encounter such problem before when I baked my buns, cake and cookies.
But this one is different, probably because I did not pat dry the pretzels first on a towel after the soda bath.
I don't want to take any more risk of my pretzels sticking on the baking paper, so my hubby bought a silicone mat that they use to bake macaroon for me.
And yesterday's pretzels project was a huge success! Yeay!

I made three pretzels variations - cheesy sausage pretzels, plain pretzels and almond pretzels.
I even prepared my homemade chocolate sauce to be eaten with the almond pretzels.
My hubby like our homemade pretzels very much.
I seasoned my pretzels with parmesan cheese, a dash of salt and brushed the cooked pretzels with melted butter.
Till now, I still can smell the comforting aroma of the pretzels when they are baked.
The scent of cheese, combined with sweet, nutty almond flavors made our mouth water, like the aroma of baked pretzels of the Auntie Anne's.
But we like our homemade soft pretzels more now.
Sorry Auntie Anne, after this we'll be making our own pretzels.

So...what makes these yum yum pretzels so inviting and toothsome?

The secret is...use high quality or pure butter to brush on the pretzels, okay.
It really make a huge different, trust me..
My first batch of pretzels, I brushed them with Buttercup.
It was okay, but still I prefer to use pure butter.
So, for the second batch, I used SCS salted butter and the aroma and taste is much better than the previous one.
We are going to make the better version of our homemade soft pretzels, so I would recommend to use high quality ingredients.

I googled to get the soft pretzels recipe.
As I was looking for the recipe, I came across with two variations of soda bath techniques.
You can either bring water to boil in a pan, add in baking soda and boil your pretzels in the boiling soda bath for a few seconds. can mix baking soda with a very hot water in a bowl, then soak the pretzels for a few seconds.
In the second method, the soda bath is not necessary too hot and you can use your hand to scoop out the pretzels.
I used the second method for making my pretzels as it's more convenient for me.
If you prefer the second method, you can prepare the soda bath before you work on shaping the pretzels.
Just make sure the water is hot enough as you add in the baking soda.

These soft pretzels can be refrigerated for few days in an air-tight container.
It's best to serve them warm, with your favorite dipping sauce.
I didn't use my bread maker to prepare the dough.
I kneaded the dough just until it smooth and no longer stick to my hand.
You may need to prepare extra flour and vegetable oil during the hand kneading process.
Be careful not to add too much flour, as we don't want hard and stiff pretzels, so you can oiled your hand while kneading the dough.


Course : Breakfast, Snack
Adapted From : Crouton Crackerjacks 
Yield : 13

2 cups of warm milk
4 tablespoons of sugar
4 teaspoons of dry yeast
4 tablespoons of coconut oil/vegetable oil/melted butter
1 teaspoon of salt
5 cups of all purpose flour

Soda mixture:

3 cups of very hot water
4 1/2 tablespoons of baking soda


Almond nibs
Almond powder
Parmesan cheese
Sliced cheddar cheese
White egg from 1 egg
Melted butter


Prepare The Dough

In a large bowl, combine warm milk, sugar and dry yeast.  Wait for 5 minutes until bubbles appear on the surface. 
Add in the remaining ingredients and knead for 5 to 10 minutes until a smooth, elastic, non-sticky dough formed.
Oiled the bowl surface and cover the bowl with a damp towel.
Let it rest for 1 hour in a warm area until it doubled in size.

Soda Mixture

Meanwhile, you can starts preparing the soda bath mixture.
Boil 3 cups of water and while it stills very hot, add baking soda and mix well using a spatula.
Set aside.

Shape The Pretzels

Once the dough is properly proofed, punch in and knead the dough for a while until it returns to its original size again.
Transfer the dough into a lightly floured work surface.
Divide the dough into 13 portions for normal soft pretzel's size.

For Almond and Plain Pretzels:

These two pretzels I shaped into a classic pretzel's shape.
Roll the dough to about 25 inches long, and make a U-shape with both ends pointing toward you.
Cross the ends twice, creating a twist.
Then, hold an end in each hand and fold it upward, press each end onto the curvature, to make a pretzel shape.
Place pretzels onto a floured surface until you're ready to soak them in the soda mixture.

For Cheesy Sausage Pretzels:

I made four cheesy sausage pretzels, to clear my sliced cheddar cheese stock.
Take one small dough and roll it to about 25 inches long depending on the size of your sausage.
Roll a sausage in one sliced cheddar cheese.
Starting at one end, carefully wrap the dough around the sausage wrapped with cheddar cheese, pinching each end to seal.
Place sausage pretzels on a floured surface and repeat with the remaining sausage.

Soak The Pretzels In Soda Mixture

Soak the pretzels in soda mixture for 20 to 30 seconds and place on a baking pan lined with silicone or macaroon mat.
If you're using baking or parchment paper, spray or grease with oil to prevent sticking and pat dry the soaked pretzels on a towel.

Bake The Pretzels

Preheat oven to 230℃.
For almond pretzels, brush the pretzels with white egg and sprinkle almond nibs on top.  Then, sprinkle with almond powder and Parmesan cheese.
For plain and sausage pretzels, sprinkle with salt and Parmesan cheese while the pretzel's surface is still wet.
Bake at the middle rack for 10 to 12 minutes, until dark golden brown in color.
For sausage pretzels, it may need a longer time to cook.  Once the surface turned dark brown in color, reduce the oven temperature to 150℃ and bake for another 5 to 8 minutes, or until the pretzel's sides bounce back once press with finger.
Once cooked, brush the pretzels with melted butter.

Serving and Storing The Pretzels

Serve the baked pretzels warm, with your favorite dipping sauce.
We eat our almond and plain pretzels with my homemade chocolate sauce.
Store the leftovers in an air-tight container and keep them refrigerated.
You can preheat your stored pretzels in oven or microwave.
Bake your stored pretzels at 150℃ for 10 to 12 minutes, or until warm to touch.


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