3 Ingredients Chocolate Banana Ice Cream (Vegan, Gluten Free)

Monday 5 August 2019

3 Ingredients Chocolate Banana Ice Cream (Vegan, Gluten Free)

Chocolate banana ice cream is our favorite ice cream now, and I've been making it repeatedly for weeks.
It has smooth textured, exactly similar with the store bought ice cream.
But this one is a healthier ,gluten free and vegan version of ice cream that everyone can indulge without guilt!
The best part is - you don't need an ice cream maker to make it.
It is so refreshing, rich in chocolate banana flavors that make us crave to eat more and more.

This ice cream is perfect for any occasions - as dessert, pre or post- workout treats, breakfast or snack.
It is free of refined sugar, making this ice cream a delicious, guilt-free treat rather than having a glass of store bought fruit juice or a can of soda beverage.
You don't need to add sugar or any sweetener, as bananas are already packed with sugar in the form of sucrose, fructose and glucose.  
Every 100 grams of banana contains 12 grams of sugar and the sugar content vary according to their ripeness.  
Despite of its high sugar content that can elevate your blood sugar, banana has lower glycemic index (GI)  and adequate amount of fiber to control blood sugar spikes.
So, to avoid excessive sugar added to your ice cream, don't use over ripe bananas.

You might wonder why chocolate-banana combination are so popular especially among the health junkies.
A lot of food bloggers showcase their delicious muffins, cakes, ice creams, sorbets, smoothies, cookies and pies by using this combination.
All I can say is chocolate and banana, when combined, they exert an absolute satisfaction not only to your palate, but also to your overall health.
Dark chocolate or cocoa powder has polyphenols that can put you into a happier mood and antioxidant do a lot of contributions to your body more than you can imagine.
Banana is an instant energy booster and together with cocoa powder, they control blood sugar and slows digestion process, so they won't bring your blood sugar to the roof.
So, go ahead and try a lot more delicious treats with chocolate and banana to reap their benefits!

Last time my hubby and I used to buy a box or two of ice creams to be eaten plain or with our favorite waffles and brownies, but as we aware and become more conscious, that is, to think before you eat, we stop buying ice cream and I am glad that I found a better option to ease our ice cream craving.  
With this chocolate banana ice cream, it's not only improves my mood swing, it gives a sense of relief without getting anxious on how many pound I'll be gaining after indulging my favorite ice cream.

If you are just like me, looking to shift to a healthier option for ice cream, this chocolate banana ice cream is perfect for you!

3 Ingredients Chocolate Banana Ice Cream

Course : Desserts, Healthy Snacks
Serves : 3

3 large ripe bananas - chopped and frozen for at least 3 hours
3 tablespoons of dark cocoa powder
1 1/4 cups of almond milk/ drinking water
1 to 2 tablespoons of honey (if necessary)

Toppings (optional)

Chocolate chips
Sliced banana


  1. In a bender or food processor, put in the frozen banana chunks and add in milk.  Pulse until smooth.
  2. When the mixture is smooth, add in cocoa powder and honey (if using) and blend until all the ingredients are well incorporated.
  3. Transfer the mixture into a container and put back in the freezer for at least an hour.
  4. When the ice cream is solid and scoopable, serve immediately.


I recommend you to use ice-crusher blender or powerful blender as frozen bananas are very hard and forcing your normal blender to fiercely blend them will damage the blender motor.  Blender need to have enough horse power to crush the frozen bananas, with the motor has at least 400W of power.
To put on a constant blending process will also burn and damage the motor.  So, firstly, you need to just briefly pulse for few times until the frozen bananas crushed into smaller pieces, then gradually increase the duration for each pulse until they become smooth textured.


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