Low Carb Oat Banana Pancake (Sugar free, Gluten Free)

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Low Carb Oat Banana Pancake (Sugar free, Gluten Free)

It's been quite some time since I posted in my blogs.
With a lot of things happened recently, I have to re-organize my priorities.
Lately I'm quite busy with developing new recipes for my Youtube channel, which means I have less time to sit and write.
Since I don't prefer to simply copycat other people's recipes and make them like my own, I need to go through the hard way-  the try and error episodes!
For me, though it may seem stupid for some people, I take it as an opportunity to gather as much knowledge in baking as possible.
I'm indeed an INFJ after all...
Learning isn't a big deal for me as I'm always a passionate and curious learner.  Hihi..

I have to admit that the past traumatic events that happened in my life has led me to begin my binge eating again because food is some sort of my comfort and my "best friend."
It was just that my eating habit now is not as bad as four years ago, while I was still working in my first company with my Hubby, where 60% of our meals were fast foods.
Our ignorance to take care of ourselves for these past few years take a toll in our health, and mindless eating has caused me to gain some kgs.
But my hubby's recent blood glucose reading, that is higher that normal really makes me worry.
This is a wake up call for me to re-program our eating habits and to practice a healthier lifestyle.

I decided to not take rice and simple carbs in our diet.
I have tried several diet plans but low carb diet worked for me so far.
While aiming to reduce my Hubby's blood sugar level back to normal, I can lose weight as well!

I made healthy, low carb version of banana pancake for our today's breakfast.
Banana is one of my favorite fruit when I'm dieting, even though it contains sugar and carbs, banana has a lower GI, so eating banana in moderation won't cause your blood sugar to spike.
But for those who are diagnosed with pre-diabetes and diabetes shouldn't consume banana daily.
Banana is also packed with other nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial for overall health.
Potassium in banana can help lower blood pressure.

Since this low carb banana pancake doesn't contain flour in the batter, I would suggest you to use a non-stick pan to cook the pancake due to it's soft texture.
You can reduce egg amount and use only one egg instead for this recipe, so that the batter will be slightly thicker and it'll be easier to flip the pancake, especially if you're using overripe bananas.

You can add a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup if you want your banana pancake a little sweeter.
We both prefer the natural sweetness from the bananas, so I didn't add additional sweetener in my pancake.
You can add chia seeds in your pancake if you have any.
On top of it's health benefits, adding chia seeds will also add crispy texture in your pancake.
To maximize it's benefit and not ruining your diet plan, enjoy your pancake with fruits rather than drizzling your pancake with sweeteners or butter spread. 

Alright! Here it is..my low carb version of banana pancake..


Category: High Fiber Recipe, Healthy Breakfast Recipe, Diabetic Friendly Recipes
Serving Size : 2 to 3


3 medium size bananas
2 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2/3 cup of rolled oat
1/3 cup of almond milk


Place peeled bananas in a medium size bowl.  Mash the bananas with a fork or potato masher.  

Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well.

Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and lightly oiled the pan.

Once hot, pour a ladle, or a small portion of the batter at the center of the pan.  Do not spread the batter thinly to prevent the pancake from falling apart as you flip it.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat for about 2 minutes on one side and once the side begin to firm up, carefully slip a heat proof spatula under the pancake and quickly flip it to cook on the other side.  (You may use two spatulas to do the flipping).  Cook until brown patches appear on the pancake's surface.

Transfer cooked pancake on a prepared plate.

Repeat the steps for the remaining batter until finish.

Ready to be served!


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