Soft Burger Buns

Friday 4 October 2019

Soft Burger Buns

Some people agree that it is the patty and the dressings that would determine the deliciousness of a burger.
But I would say that the texture and the taste if the bun itself, along with the freshness of chicken or meat patty that make me want to eat more and more.

We can conveniently buy ready made burger buns from stores.
Some of them are topped with white sesame while others are remained plain.

Before I decided to give myself a try on making my own burger buns, I rarely cook burger at home.
Because I simply do not like the store-bought burger buns.
Store-bought burger buns tend to have very light texture, which is not to our liking.
So far I can say we prefer Mc Donald's burger buns more than any the others.
But nowadays we rarely eat fast foods and most of our meals are home prepared.

I don't usually crave to eat burger and in fact, burger is not listed as one of my favorite food.
And it was not until I saw Mc Donald's advertisement on their new burger menu on Youtube.
And that time, looking at how delicious and tempting they display their new burger recipe made me want to eat one.
I still have a packet of bread flour in my fridge, so I was thinking to making my own burger buns.
I also made my home made chicken and potato patties to be eaten with the buns.

Everytime whenever I prepared burger at home, I won't left mayonnaise behind.
We love mayonnaise in our burger.
I didn't buy mayonnaise, and since we have reduce our mayonnaise consumption, so I seldom buy it unless we feel like having it as a dipping or salad dressings.
Since making burger was not in my initial cooking plan, and we couldn't enjoy a burger without mayonnaise, so , I made my home made mayonnaise for the first time ever.
Luckily it turned well but it taste a little bit different from the store-bought one since I used corn oil instead of soy bean oil.

My hubby was extremely delighted to eat my home made burger, with home made patties and mayonnaise!
My burger buns were soft and fluffy, rich with sesame on top.
I adapted the burger bun recipe from the King Arthur Flour.
Their recipe is perfect for me and I am not going to use any other recipes for making my burger buns in the future.
Their burger buns are so beautiful and looks very tempting, so I was eager to make it.
You can use burger bun's molds if you have one to form uniform bun's shape.

I made two batches of buns and keep them refrigerated.
This burger buns are not only perfect for burgers, but also suitable to be eaten with mushroom soup or butter crabs.
Slice the buns like you're slicing baguette, spread butter or margarine if you like and grill the sliced buns on both sides.
The recipe used all purpose flour but I prefer to combine it with bread flour for fluffier and airy bun's textures.

If you wish to make your home made burger buns, so, here it is.
Don't look back because you're not going to regret making it on your own.
These buns are absolutely heaven!
It's worth your effort to make them.
Trust me..


Adapted From : King Arthur Flour
Yield : 9 to 11


3/4 to 1 cup of lukewarm water/ warm milk
1/4 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon of salts
2 tablespoons of butter/margarine/vegetable oil
1 egg
1 tablespoon of dry  yeast
1 teaspoon of bread improver - optional
2 cups of bread flour
1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour


  1. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients. Adjust water and flour accordingly and knead to make a soft smooth dough.  Alternatively, you can use bread maker machine or stand mixer to prepare the dough.
  2. Cover the dough with a damp towel or cling wrap and let it sit for 1 hour in a warm place until the dough doubled in size.
  3. When the dough has risen, deflate it and divide into 9 to 11 portions. For average burger bun's size, you can divide the dough into 10 portions. Shape each portion into a round ball, flatten the dough ball a bit and place into greased baking pan, cover, and let rise for another 1 hour.
  4. When the buns are puffy, brush with egg white and sprinkle white sesame.
  5. Bake the buns in a preheated 200℃ oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until golden brown.
  6. Remove from oven and brush the buns with melted butter if preferred.
  7. Cools the buns on a rack and store the leftovers in an air- tight container and keep it refrigerated. 


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