Oat Banana Chocolate Chips Waffles

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Oat Banana Chocolate Chips Waffles

Waffles have become regular at my home, especially with added banana and chocolate chips.
They are not only delicious, the best part is the preparation is fuss-free.
I love to make ahead of time my waffles, to be serve as our breakfast on the next day.
We both favor to have waffles as our breakfast rather than having pan cakes.
It's simply because waffles have crispier exterior especially when eaten straight away after they are cooked or reheated.
On top of that, waffles have beautiful look, with deep, square-shaped pockets to hold toppings and syrup.
Imagine a fluffy, airy, crispy exterior waffle topped with sliced fruits, a scoop of ice cream then drizzle with chocolate syrup..
I guess nobody could not resist the temptation!
Imagining it immediately makes me hungry!😋😋

I have to admit that I have overindulge habits whenever I feel stress or moody.
Last time, I will prepare cakes, muffins and brownies to feed my cravings and seek pleasure from foods.
You know, over consuming sugar over the times can disrupt the metabolic functions and trigger the release of ghrelin, a hormone to increase our appetite, so we tend to eat more and more especially high-carbs and sugary foods.
Well, those were the day; when the red alarm hasn't struck my brain to change my eating habits.

I remembered that I bought a can of blueberry filling to make blueberry pie a month ago.
But I've changed my mind and I wanted to prepare something healthier, low sugar snack to satisfy my sweet tooth and making pie is definitely not a good option.
So, I made sweetener-free waffles to be eaten with already sugar-rich blueberry filling.

You can also add chia seeds into your waffles for additional fiber and nutrients.
Being as someone with poor metabolism, I suffer with frequent hunger strike, so, I need to always have ready-to-go snacks at hand to curb my hunger and to prevent overindulge in my next meal.
So, waffles always be one of my favorite snack option to cheer up my tummy instead of munching on junk foods which provide no other than empty calories.

Adding bananas into my waffles not only flavoring them with pleasant fruity flavor but also provide instant energy booster beneficial to kick start metabolism of the day when eaten as breakfast.
If you want to make a healthier lifestyle changes, it is very important to have breakfast.
Breakfast is the first meal of the day, to break a few hours of fasting when we sleep.
To ensure breakfast is satisfying, eat more nutritious foods, that is high in protein, complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and waffle to help you feeling full longer and slow down your digestion process.
Next time I want to make plain whole wheat waffles and top with chicken, salad and cheese.

I've seen a lot of waffles recipes using melted butter to be incorporated in the batter mixture.
You can always opt for coconut oil for a healthier option.
If you prefer to make Belgian-style waffles, beat the egg whites separately with the yolks until soft peak, then fold them into the batter at the end.
But as I promised you, this waffles are easy to prepare and no mixer and a lot of utensils are required to prepare the batter, so you can even freshly prepare your waffles early in the morning.
Once again, this waffles are loaded with my favorite combination - banana and chocolate (chocolate chips) to enhance digestion, boost energy and mood.

If you're a fan of banana and chocolate, I would recommend you to make these waffles, and you'll definitely going to like them as much as I do.


Course : Breakfast, Snack
Yield : 10 individual size waffles

2 large banana 
2 eggs - medium sized
1 3/4 cups of warm milk
1/4 cup of coconut oil/vegetable oil/melted butter
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of sugar/honey
1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate soda
2 teaspoons of baking powder
2 cups of white whole wheat flour/all purpose flour
1/2 cup of rolled oat
1/2 cup of chocolate chips


  1. Preheat your waffle iron.
  2. In a large bowl, mash bananas and add in oil, milk, sugar/honey (if using), salt.  Crack in eggs.  Whisk to combine.
  3. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix until well incorporated.
  4. When the waffle iron is hot, grease with little oil and pour in the batter and spread evenly.
  5. Cook the waffles according to your waffle iron instructions.
  6. Serve warm with your favorite garnish and topping.


To see my notes on waffle's  storing and reheating tips, you can visit here: 



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